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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Last weekend of skiing

This was the last weekend our passes were good so we headed to the slopes to enjoy the sun. The girls wanted to ski Gun Tower and we did it, they were very excited.

Miles got to take a few runs with Alex by himself, he was sooo excited

Makayla hit the HUGE jump and landed on the airbag, I really can't believe she did it. We are talking to hesitation... couldn't be my kid!

Then Makayla went and told Aleah... guess who was on the way up the chair to hit the jump. Yes Aleah, oh dear me. PS Mom hit it also!! It is great fun!!

Thanks Dad for putting away everyones ski's!! It was a fun year, can't wait till next year.

Tractor Ride

How do you give 3 kids a tractor ride at the same time?

Two in the bucket and one on your lap!

Easter at Gramma's

Easter Egg hunt a Gramma's

Making bird seed!

Checking out the goods

Fun time's at the river

Most of the crew

Bunny Brunch



Load them up Miles!

Kids and Mom

Easter bunny and Nana

Spring Break Ski Day's

Ski Day with Nana

Ski day with a friends

And yes even time to lounge in the chairs, we love spring break!

Spring Break fun

Chocolate cheesecakes in the works

Homemade personal pizza for everyone

Handmade Mermaid outfits

Aleah working hard on her outfit

And yes Easter egg's also, fun day for sure!

Fun times for all

After school coloring

After school "office time and band practice"

Boys... oh boys dear me. Only in Washington you will find boys in mud boots, PJ's, no shirt, while playing basketball with a soccer ball. They try!!

Oh and then we have the chicken in high heals for evening entertainment. Needless to say we don't have very many dull moments in the neighborhood!

Aleah Hikes the King

Aleah has wanted to hike the king all year and today she did it

My rule was you had to carry your ski's... she did try and get me to take them!

Yes, she made it with both ski's in hand

At the top.

On our way out, she was very happy!

St Patricks Day

Having fun skiing on St Patricks Day

Play Date's for all

Taylor and Miles working on ice cream sundae's Everyone is soooo happy when they have a friend over to play. The trick is getting it to happen on the same day!!

Rachel's Challenge

The community and school's took party in Rachel's Challenge- the community put together 2+ miles of kind deeds in a chain. The kid's were very impressed, they wanted to try and find the one's they wrote!!

Brent's new Job

Brent is helping a friend out on a construction site, new territory for him.

Large buildings, large cranes, and large powerlines!!