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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Week at Gramma and Oompa's

Mom and Dad had to head out of town for work. The kid's hit Gramma and Oompa's for the week. Here Miles is at Preschool Orientation

Miles and Sawyer mechanics in training!

Aleah the Sherpa

Dinner outside by the new fire pit.

Ride in the Gondola

Oompa and Miles eating lunch!

Grander ride for the kids


More fun with Sawyer and Jen

Hard at work running the wood spliter

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sea Tac BMX State Race

Aleah took a 4th at the Sea Tac Race as a 6 year old Novice

Makayla in her first big race in the "GIRL" class. She took 3rd and was very excited

Miles did his first 1/2 track race, he was very excited also.

He said " Mom I got a Nedal"

Rental House Help

Miles has been helping us get the rental house ready to rent- here he is using the drill, oh dear me he can figure out how to run any power tool, earlier I found him sanding the driveway!

Trying to get the hedge trimmer plugged in, I really get a lot accomplished with him helping!

Horse Camp

Horse camp for the week.

Aleah and Yard stick

Makayla and Misty

The girl's received there awards. Makayla "Most Independent"- image that! Aleah the"Most Determined"

Treylyn was in town and hung out with the girls at camp for the day. Everyone had a great day.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Miles decides to Ride

Miles has had his training wheels off for over two months but has not wanted to pick up the bike. We have been spending a lot of time at the BMX track as you can see and tonight the light went ON. He comes home and tells me he wants to put all his BMX stuff on and go ride. Mom is ready for bed but seeing the opportunity decided to see if this is for real......

We are all dresses ready to go....

And he is off, no issue ride likes a rock start out of the gate

Totally amazing. In case you haven't figured it out by now, these kids have a mind of there own, when they are ready they are ready.

Swim Class

The girls attended a two week swim class again this year, they love the teacher and she teaches them a ton. Gotta love it

Makayla working on her dive.

Aleah off course still opting for the head first backward slide routine

Aleah doing laps


Makayla moves up to the next level in BMX

Makayla won 8 Novice races, racing both girl and boy 8 year olds, which means she has moved up to the "Girl Class" now so she will be racing only girls from now on.

Everyone wen t home with some hardware today!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Aleah looses her first Top tooth

Front tooth out!

BMX Mt Vernon

Miles is Mr. scooter boy!

Aleah likes to race but I thing palying on the toys at the park is just as fun!

Everyone having fun

Makayla working hard.

Makayla ended up taking home the 1st place tophy from the State Qualifier race. Aleah finished 8th out of 16. We had a great day.

Miles and his buddy

Miles and his buddy Colby having a fun day together

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

BMX Makayla

Some good BMX picutres of Makayla and Cade

They are off

Sol Duc Hotspring

Mom's trip with the kids. We hit the BMX race on our way took home a 2nd, 2nd, and 3rd

Made it

Cade and Julia have a new dog Bullet- this was his first camping trip.

Ready for our 2 mile bike ride to the start of the hike.

everyone ready to hike

Hike to Sol Duc Falls

Miles and Cade

On the way back from the Hot Springs

Rock throwing at the river

at the camp fire