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Friday, February 24, 2012


Uncle Eric took the girls and I to Cavalia, it is increadible between the trainers and horses it is a very impressive show. Everyone had a great time.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Crystal Day Five

Sled hill crew for the day

Yes it is raining again and guess what six kids still wants to go skiing.... so off we go, as you can see not to many other people think this is a good idea today.

Happy as can be!!

The rainy day crew!

Crystal Day Four

Day four more fun with friends. love it when we can fill the chair up with six friends

off on an adventure

Happy to have friends spending the night with us in the RV

Yes, most of the crew at the sled hill, a must everyday as you can see!!

Crystal Day Three

Day two of racing. Perfect clear day, love it.

Makayla getting her skis ready

Yes, Miles and Gunnar are having fun also

Back to the sled hill, most of the Sunday night crew

Crystal- Day Two

The girls were ski racing this weekend also.

Aleah ready to go

Makayls on her way. The race was a GS over 200 kids total. They had a great time

Then it was back to the sled hill at the RV. Alway fun, the Saturday night crew

Crystal- Night One

We have Mid Winter break this week. We headed to the mountain for some snow fun.

Well still raining when we hit the parking lot.

no big deal the kids are still ready to sled...

The Friday night crew

Valentines Day

Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day! Here is Miles handing out his Valentines at Preschool

Yes Miles and Emma

My Valentines at home

Miles tree of love from school

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Father Daughter Dance

Everyone excited for the Father Daughter Dance

Skate park for Miles

Miles hit the skate park on his scooter

Yard Clean Up - never gonna end

Since the storm we have had some MAJOR clean up to do. Here are my helpers.

Yes even GG helped out!!

Burn and Burn

We have plenty of firewood now

Yes and burn some more.

Makayla's 9 Year Old Pictures

Makayla 9 Years Old

Yes she is happy about it

Oh and yes sidetracked checking out a lady bug Mom's is going to have to wait to take any more pictures!!

Neah and Makayla

The trio and the dog's