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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Miles and Sawyer

Miles was very excited to show Sawyer the Christmas tree today. Miles can't wait till Sawyer can play

Makayla gets her ears pierced

She did it! It has been years of asking for her ears pierced, so for her 8th birthday we decide it was time. I think it hurt more than she expected, but she is happy now. After watching Makayla, Aleah said she is going to wait till she turns Nine!

Christmas Tree Hunting

We have lots up snow up in the moutnains this year. It made for tough Christmas tree hunting

We did find a nice one!

Afternoon at GG's



The kids with GG

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Mountain opens

We hit the slopes for the weekend, fresh snow and great weather

Miles, happy as can be!


Happy Thanksgiving

The Girls helped Aunt Perrin prepare the Turkey's

Making the stuffing

Eric and Shelley

Dinner time!

Pie making with Gramma

Gramma helped the girls make the Thanksgiving dinner Pies!
Miles was more into eating than helping

No School Day Two

More snow, more sledding
Nice air for Makayla

Miles and Gavin

Oh no here comes the jump!

Snow Angels!

Monday, November 22, 2010

No school!

Snow day, everyone had fun.

Sledding at the neighbors

The first snow of the year in town, everyone was up for some sledding
Makayla and Cade

Aleah and Julia

Miles loves sledding!

our neighbors have a great backyard sled hill, this is Miles, he has the record for the longest ride!

First Wind Storm

The First windstorm of the year brought the neighbors HUGE alder down

Girls Trip to Puerto Vallarta

Six day's in the sun with some friend's, it was a great break!

we did the zip line over a river it was great

We spent most of our time relaxing next to the pool enjoying the ocean waves

this is a real person, totally amazing

The beautiful sunsets we enjoyed every evening.